

I started My Bitcoin Family as a way to document, organize, and refine my understanding of the hardest, soundest money that has ever existed, currently exists, and will likely ever exist – Bitcoin.

A money that truly transfers value over time and space.
A money that a centralized government cannot inflate away.
A money that my family and others like us can use without permission.

If any of those descriptions of Bitcoin are true, we ought to at least take the time to learn about it before writing it off.

And some time in 2020, that's what I started doing.

I'm sure there will be articles I write that go into detail about my Bitcoin journey so far.

But the type of content you can expect to find will likely explore ways to weave Bitcoin into your family life, including:

  • How to acquire Bitcoin for current and future generations
  • Fun ways to learn how to hodl (e.g., card and board games, children's books)
  • Conversations with other family maximalists about how Bitcoin is shaping their lives

There's a ton I don't know and that's another reason why I started this online platform.

My hope is that through the content I create and the people I meet through it, we can empower our families to live life well – on a Bitcoin standard.

If this is this something you're aligned with, I'd love if you subscribed to my mailing list to get new content as soon as I hit publish.

Or, if you want to tag along on elsewhere, you can find me on:

  • Twitter (X): @mybitcoinfamily
  • NOSTR (Damus): npub1dlsvv4ckeyg5rgmr5mfwcmvzevvreu3w46zpe3g2hy4e6a45xl0spuse5n
  • Email: mybitcoinfamily@proton.me

Talk soon.